[GuangRe] [VengoxDilraba] 爱的感受

Описание к видео [GuangRe] [VengoxDilraba] 爱的感受

Credit :weibo@甜到叫救护车
This is my first video, so please leave comments on how I can improve.
The song is in English, but I provided Chinese translation subtitles. Since it is almost Thanksgiving, the theme is appreciating love‘s sacrifice. We have felt sadness from Reba and Vengo‘s challenges but also comfort in their support for each other recently. It is precious to have someone who is a teacher, a friend, family, and also a soulmate in one’s life. Although we all wait patiently for their love to bloom, let’s be proactive in holding on to those who matter around us.
歌是英文(海外黨鴨),但有加中文字幕!感恩節快到了,所以主題是感恩於愛的犧牲.知道寶貝們對哥妹近日經歷的風雨和互相扶持既心疼又感動,能有一個亦師亦友,是家人也同是伴侶的人在生命中是有多珍貴。 靜待花開,但要積極把握身邊人。
資源出處:騰訊2019推薦會.桃花花絮+正片.哥妹微博.12屆金鷹獎.妹新聞當事人採訪,哥澎湃採訪.快本.傲嬌與偏見發佈會. 感激千若水大神的微時代片花.

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