50 Famous INTJ People (MBTI - 16 Personalities Test)

Описание к видео 50 Famous INTJ People (MBTI - 16 Personalities Test)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, short for MBTI, is the most popular and reliable personality test of today, developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Myers to make the theory of psychological types defined by Carl Gustav Jung understandable and useful in everyday live.

Myers-Briggs evaluates personality type and preference based on the four Jungian psychological types:

extraversion (E) or introversion (I)
sensing (S) or intuition (N)
thinking (T) or feeling (F)
judging (J) or perceiving (P).

You can find your personality type by choosing 4 out of these 4 preferences that fits you the most.

But I advise you to take the test. You can find it online for free.

Anyways, lets explain what are these preferences.


- Extraverted people get their energy from interacting with other people, going to events to socialize, doing different activities. They are seen as outgoing and people person by others. They usually have wide range friends and like group activities and are not afraid of being center of attention. Extraverted people also like to take action as fast as possible rather than thinking and planing.

If you like being outside more than being at home, socializing is easy and enjoyable and a need for you, you are probably an extravert.

- Introverted people on the other hand like to stay at home and interact with their inner world. They like to do things alone and have limited number of friends. Introverts don't like loud, crowded places and are seen as reserved people and opposite to extraverts, who get more energetic from socializing, interacting other people makes introverts overwhelmed. They prefer to think rather than take action.

If you prefer to be by yourself and exploring idead and outer world and people makes you feel tired, you are probably an introvert.


- Sensors are realist and factual. They live in the present and see things as they are. Abstract ideas, things they can't see, smell,
taste, hear or touch don't interest them. They value experience and realities rather than possibilities. They are seen as concrete, practical and common sense.

If you process information through facts and physical realities and live in the present rather than dreaming about future, you are in the sensing category.

- Intuitive people live in the future. They mostly focus on possibilities rather than present realities. They are abstract in their thinking and value imagination and deep concepts and ideas. They are seen as idealistic and creative.

So if you process information through impressions, symbols and your interpretations and focus more on new ideas and future possibilities, you are in this category.


- Thinkers value logic the most. Their emotions or other people's emotions don't effect their decisions. They are objective, critical and rational. They are usually interested in technical and scientific fields and are task-oriented.

If you make decisions with your brain rather than your heart and value truth over kindness and are firm with people, you are a thinker.

- Feeling is the category for people who value emotions more than logic. When making a decision they prefer the morally correct option and always consider how it affects other people. They judge situations subjectively. They are seen as kind, warm and caring.

If you are empathetic and emotional person and this influences your decision making a lot and if you are too sensitive to conflict you are in the feeling group.


- Judging describes people who are orderly and prefer their lives to be structured. They are responsible, good at finishing tasks and organized. They like to make plans, uncertainty makes them uncomfortable and they avoid deadlines. If you are a task-oriented, scheduled and organized person you are in this category.

- Perceivers are spontaneous. They are open to new options, changes and are random thinkers. They are better at starting than finishing.

If you dislike routines and are disorganized, care-free you are
probably a perceiver.

- Susan Brownell Anthony
- Vladimir Lenin
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Thomas Jefferson
- John F. Kennedy
- Michelle Obama
- Vladimir Putin
- Hillary Clinton
- Julia Gillard
- Augustus Caesar

- Martina Navratilova
- Isaac Newton
- Stephen Hawking
- Nikola Tesla
- Charles Darwin
- Ayn Rand
- Sylvia Plath
- Isaac Asimov
- Jane Austen
- Friedrich Nietzsche

- Jean-Paul Sartre
- Martin Luther
- G. W. F. Hegel
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Elon Musk
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Stanley Kubrick
- Jodie Foster
- James Cameron
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

- Karl Marx
- Heraclitus
- Jay-Z
- Lance Armstrong
- Colin Powell
- Francis Ford Coppola
- Julia Stiles
- Russell Crowe
- Colin Firth

- Batman
- Dexter
- Dr. Gregory House
- Gandalf
- Hannibal Lecter
- Katniss Everdeen
- Tywin Lannister
- V
- Walter White


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