2 Easy Ways To Upload Static HTML Files To WordPress Using Infinityfree

Описание к видео 2 Easy Ways To Upload Static HTML Files To WordPress Using Infinityfree

In this video, I'll show you how to add a static HTML file to WordPress Site sing Infinityfree so you can host landing pages or any other promotion that you need to run for your online business.

Static HTML pages are files ending in the .html extension and can be hand-coded or exported from a third party software or gotten free online.

Uploading a static webpage into WordPress can be an awesome way to enjoy both sides of technology. You just never get to lose anything.

In this video, I showed two simple ways to get that done using Infinity free hosting.

You'll earn how to upload HTML files to your WordPress site without causing 404 errors.


Visit the cPanel of your WordPress hosting account.
In the cPanel, access your WordPress files

Select public_HTML then go to your WordPress folder and inside the WordPress Folder, click upload.

Now upload the HTML file you want to add, make sure you have unzipped the file if using Infinity Free, but if using other cPanel that gives you option to unzip then upload the zipped and then unzip afterwards.

You can decide to delete the static HTML zip file, it is completely not useful anymore.

Click Close.

View the static page by visiting yourdomain.com/HTMLFolderName/


We would use an FTP Connection to access or WordPress files and then upload or static HTML files.

I use Filezilla to get this done.
Download Filezilla by searching on Google, launch the app and connect to remote storage.

upload the HTML FILE

Follow Instructions step-by-step as provided in this video.

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