Opportunities in General Practice | General Practitioner

Описание к видео Opportunities in General Practice | General Practitioner

In this video I discuss the types of GPs/ General Practitioner there are and the opportunities that exist within #GeneralPractice.

00:30: there are three main types of GPs: salaried GP, GP partner and a locum GP. The main differences are the responsibility - with the GP partner running the practice - and the employment types. Salaried GPs are employed by the practice whereas the GP partner runs a business and is self employed, like the locum GP.

4:11 Opportunities as a #Generalpractitioner

4:40 #Medicaleducation - GPs can teach medical students (at the surgery or university or both), GP trainees, or other GPs. As a GP or general practitioner you can become an examiner for the Royal College of General Pracctitioners or RCGP, medical school and even the General Medical Council or GMC.
5:22 Research and development at university departments and in pharmaceuticals.
5:31 Leadership roles through the Clinical Commissioning Group or CCG or within the practice for example the safeguarding lead for children or vulnerable adults.
5:47 A a General Practitioner, you can develop a portfolio career which allows a very good work life balance.
5:55 There are opportunities to work in an out of hours setting; working nights, weekends and even with the NHS 111 service.
6:13 There are many opportunities as a GP to undertake private work.
6:17 Many GPs develop a specialist interest (GPwSI) in a particular area such as dermatology or paediatrics. This now comes under the new umbrella term: GP with an extended role (GPwER).
6:50 General Practice can be used as a foundation to get into other specialties like palliative medicine and occupational medicine.
7:07 Other roles include working as a ship doctor, in the military, sports medicine, forensic medical examiner, the media, medical journalism and politics.

7:24 GPwER
As a General Practitioner with an extended role you could:
Take on a lead role in the practice or outside in the local community, helping to develop guidelines, services and care pathways.

9:20 Academic pathways
If you want to develop a career in academia, you can apply to the Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) as a GP trainee which can then lead to a Clinical Lectureship (CL).

9:32 Career break
A break from clinical practice of under two years will not normally require retraining. However, for longer than this GPs will have to pay for a period of retraining.

Where do I get my medical supplies from?

References and resources

1. GPwSI: https://www.bad.org.uk/healthcare-pro... AND - https://www.rcgp.org.uk/training-exam...
2. Career breaks: https://archive.bma.org.uk/advice/car... -advice
3. Definitions: appraiser- https://www.england.nhs.uk/medical-re...
AND - CCGs and commissioning - https://www.england.nhs.uk/ccgs/ AND -https://www.england.nhs.uk/commission...


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