Shorebirds of Florida by Michael Brothers

Описание к видео Shorebirds of Florida by Michael Brothers

Orange Audubon Society’s (OAS) January 21st presenter — Michael Brothers — retired as director of the Marine Science Center in Ponce Inlet and leads natural history tours throughout Florida, the Galapagos Islands, Kenya, and the Amazon. He has been leading pelagic birding expeditions off Florida and Georgia for the last 15 years.

Michael is a member of the Florida Ornithological Society Records Committee, which evaluates reports of birds recorded in Florida and updates the scientific record of Florida’s bird life. He is also the Florida regional editor of the journal North American Birds.

For the past several years Michael has led the final trip of OAS’ North Shore Birding Festival to see the amazing gull congregation at Daytona Beach Shores.

Join us for a great program from one of Florida’s most knowledgeable birders.
105 views LIVE plus 32 more to LIVE version. This is edited version. Photo by Paula Duenas.


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