Alatreon Solo - Dawn of the Deathstar - Dual Blades (Smoldering Kingdoms)

Описание к видео Alatreon Solo - Dawn of the Deathstar - Dual Blades (Smoldering Kingdoms)

Build Notes -
Ran a budget build so I could farm less. Health Charm is probably not ideal along with having poor decoration options. Kjarr/Safi weapons are probably ideal, but this build isn't dependent on event cycles or other players for sieges.
-Ran nearly identical build to beat the Evening Star using Bergel Vetra dual blades and 2-3 small decoration adjustments.
-Build shown at the end of the video

-Smoldering Kingdoms - Health Aug x1/Elemental Aug x2

Silver Sol Beta x4 - Head/Chest/Waist/ & Gloves for True Critical Element bonus
Garuga Greaves Beta

Charm -
Health Charm lvl. 3

Mantles -
Temporal & Rocksteady to help reduce damage and get wall bangs
--Starting the fight with the Rocksteady mantle on to ignore Alatreon's roar offered about a 50% chance of a guaranteed wallbang and is something I'd look for at the start of each fight.

Decoration Notes-
I used suboptimal decorations and had almost not health decorations forcing me to run the health charm if I wanted max Hp. I'll just list what stats I prioritized and how I obtained a few of them.
-Vitality x3 - I gad to get from charm, but would probably be better to get from decorations if you have the right options. If you could get health from decorations you could run Razer sharp charm which would be really nice for sharpness management.
-Critical Element - Greatly increases elemental and overall damage. Makes hitting Alatreon's elemental thresholds very easy with dual blades. (Acquired from Silver Rathalos Armor bonus)
-Critical eye x7 - Greatly increases overall damage - Combination of Garuga Greaves and decos
-Stone Thrower - Alatreon arena is large and slinger ammo is hard to find at times. Ensures when rare wallbang oportunity presents itself you have ammo needed and helps with dodging as well. (Acquired from Silver Rathalos Armor bonus)
-Weakness Exploit x3 - Need to get from decorations only which I didn't have.
-Critical Boost x1 minimum, but more as you can fit
-Marathon runner or constitution - A few points of one or both to help fight stamina drain. I personally prefer Marathon runner and think it reduces drain better. Meant to be stacked with Dash Juice.

Personal preferences-
-Protective Polish - I like to sharpen at the end of each Nova and couldn't carry the razer sharp charm. Very helpful if you use use build for Evening Star using Bergel Vetra dual baldes as they lose sharpness faster.
-Shaver - Makes softening easier as softening windows are small
-Fire damage x5 - My biggest problem with Alatreon was the timer and I lacked other meaningful decos. Smouldering Kingdoms only have white sharpness and lack the sharpness damage multiplication bonuses and the extra Fire damage helped balance things out. Helped meet all damage thresholds and I found the skill particularily helpful.

Additional Notes -
-Palico had paralysis weapon which often procs 1-2x per fight
-Palico support option - Shieldspire - Alatreon spams attacks and the extra breather can help you sharpen your weapon or heal up. Alatreon also has long attack animations he can get locked into on your Palico that you can abuse to get in extra damage. Shieldspire really shines in this fight and I'd recommend it heavily.
-Ate for Elemental Resistance x3 for 15 elemental resistance buff. Alatreon damages you with all elemental damage types and this is really the only way to go for this fight.
-Even when eating for Elemental Resistance x3 you'll become blighted and need to bring either nullberries or work in blight resistance decorations to your build.
-Focused on getting wallbangs for horn break damage


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