Solo Squad 5 Fingers + Full Gyro | Performanya Sudah Menurun!!! | Mi 10T Pubg Mobile Test 2024

Описание к видео Solo Squad 5 Fingers + Full Gyro | Performanya Sudah Menurun!!! | Mi 10T Pubg Mobile Test 2024

Gameplay Pubg Mobile Use Xiaomi Mi 10T.
How the results are performing and how exciting it is, just watch this video.

Bagaimana hasil dari performanya dan bagaimana keseruannya langsung saja tonton video ini.


Hi guys!!!
In this video, I have prepared gameplay for you that,
i hope you will enjoy.
Watch this video till the end.
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Hai guys!!!
Di video kali ini, saya telah menyiapkan gameplay untuk kalian, saya harap kalian akan menikmatinya.
Tonton video ini sampai selesai yahhh.
Terima kasih sudah menonton.
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KitA dOa kaN sEmoga PanJang UmUr
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Graphics In Game:
Smooth + Extreme
Android Version:
MIUI + Android 12


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