Описание к видео KAMEN RIDER OOO (Henshin FAN MADE MALAYSIA)

Introducing #projekhenshin ! Watch in FullHD!
This is my recent project, finally able to complete it! It took me roughly about 6 or 8 months to complete this video. It took me long because of the time, as my schedule were tight because I am a working guy :) and this is only my free time project, where the time I've spent into this project were during my weekends and after working hours.

The post-production work really took me long enough as I had to study and experimenting with the VFX and searching and study with various of tutorial. This is all were done in Adobe After Effects CS5.5. Honestly, the VFX I've made were not exactly the same as the original VFX in the Kamen Rider OOO series. As I've not using any 3D software for the effects, such as the spinning medals effects. I guess this is just a 2.5D effects. :P

Oh before I forgot, that guy in this video, acting like he's the hero and acted poyo and stuff (LOL), that's not me and he is a friend of mine. We both shares the same interest into Kamen Riders and Toku series. Thanks Azhan Hizazi for the acting and stuff! Now you are the first Malaysian able to transform into Kamen Rider OOO! (Dunno if there any Malaysian's Kamen Rider?)
Until next time will be my turn. ;)

So much to story, so little space. In some ways, this project really tingling my inner child. As I am myself a fan towards the Kamen Rider's franchise. This is one of my dream in fulfilling my own imagination. :)

Nevertheless, just enjoy!
A Toku fan from Malaysia! Peace!
#projekhenshin #projekinisemuapoyo


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