30 Subatomic Stories: Can we find a theory of everything?

Описание к видео 30 Subatomic Stories: Can we find a theory of everything?

The ultimate goal of physics is to come up with a theory that describes all of creation – a theory of everything, or TOE. Subatomic Stories was designed to bring the viewer along, one subject at a time, so that they can have an informed understanding of how scientists try to develop a TOE and an appreciation of how we’ll make future progress. In this episode, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln brings it all together and explains where we are and prospects for the future.

Subatomic Stories playlist:

Knowing God’s thoughts: Einstein’s unfinished dream:
   • Knowing God’s thoughts: Einstein’s un...  

Ethan Siegel’s article on why the universe didn’t collapse into a black hole: https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswi...

Fermilab physics 101:

Fermilab home page:

Atom zoom animation credit:
Daniel Dominguez - CERN

Star field image credit:
NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI);Acknowledgment: A. Cool (SFSU)


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