President Trump and the Beginning of the Messianic Process | The 21st Century

Описание к видео President Trump and the Beginning of the Messianic Process | The 21st Century

President Trump recently travelled to the middle east. Without nevuah/prophecy we cannot be certain as to what this means. However, there are indications that President Trump is starting to bring about the return of Esav/Esau to take part in the tikun/rectification process that will culminate in the coming of Mashiach/The Messaiah.


Esav/Esau: the Av/Patriarch that failed
- Esav's/Esau's mission is to aid Yaakov/Jacob by rectifying the evil in creation
- Why Esav's/Esau's saar/guardian angel is Satan
- The meaning of the bechora/first born right
- The power of Yitzcahk's/Issac's berachos/blessings
- Esav's/Esau's new mission after losing the bechora/first born right

Esav was close to doing teshuva/repentance
- Reasons why
- What his teshuvah/repentance would have resulted in

The tahara/purification of Esav/Esau
- Hashem/God wants Esav/Esau to return
- Roman Emperor Antoninus/Marcus Aurelius represented Esav/Esau before his kilkul/ruin
- The tov/good part of Edom/Esau's descendants will return and complete the tikun/rectification before the arrival of Mashiach/The Messaiah

Trump and the tikun
- President Trump seems to be filling the above roll
- President Trump's trip to the Middle East
- There are strong indications that through him Esav/Esau is starting to do teshuvah/repentance and is bringing Yishmael/The children of Ismael as well.

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