How to Pack a CHNS Reaction Tube

Описание к видео How to Pack a CHNS Reaction Tube

1. Before adding the reagents it is helpful to mark up the heights of the individual zones using a marker pen, then clamp the tube vertically.
2. Put in the first layer of quartz wool, or quartz discs, packing this down firmly with a suitable rod to make sure no particles may subsequently slip through.
3. Start adding some of the copper wires.
4. Using a suitable tool, tap around the circumference of the tube to pack down the copper. Tapping around the circumference ensures even packing which is important to avoid leaving voids that might lead to channelling of gases.
5. Repeat this until the copper reaches the mark then add the next layer of quartz wool or discs.
6. Add the next layer of reagent, in this case tungstic oxide. To avoid dust sticking to the inner walls of the quartz tube, it is helpful to add the reagent via a long-necked funnel.
7. Again, tap the tube to settle the reagent.
8. Continue adding and tapping until the next mark is reached
9. Adding the next layer of quartz wool or discs.
10. Finished!
11. Before installing in the furnace, wipe the outside of the quartz tube with a solvent wipe to remove the marker pen lines and any dirt or fingerprints.
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