Breast Milk Bank

Описание к видео Breast Milk Bank

[Anchor Lead]

Did you know that breast milk can also be donated? Of course a mother’s milk is good for the baby but for mothers who can't provide their own, other moms can pitch in and donate theirs. A so-called breast milk bank connects these mothers but the agency struggles with a lack of funds and shortage of donations.


This infant was born prematurely, having stayed just 7 months in the womb. The mother is on medication to treat pregnancy toxemia, and is unable to provide breast milk. Instead, her baby is fed with milk donated by another mom.

[Soundbite] Mother of Premature Infant : "Breast milk is good for immunity. Feeding the baby someone else's breast milk was still better than store-bought formula"

The donated milk is supplied by what's called a breast milk bank. A university hospital has been running the milk bank for 8 years now. The bank receives donations from mothers with excess breast milk. The milk is then sterilized and given to mothers in need who can file requests online or over the phone.

[Soundbite] Breast Milk Donor : "I was producing a lot of milk. It was a waste. Then I heard about the donation opportunity, and that it will aid patients and infants in need."

This year, some 200 mothers made donations to the hospital but this is far short of the number of mothers who require the assistance. The clinic is barely staying afloat, constantly running a deficit due to costly procedures such as pasteurization and testing.

[Soundbite] Prof. Jeong Seong-hun(Kyung Hee Univ. Hospital at Gangdong) : "Donations are insufficient. We don't have milk to give to many mothers in need. Our hospital also lacks space."

More than half of the five breast milk banks nationwide have shut down. Now only two remain, one each in capital Seoul and Iksan in Jeollabuk-do Province.


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