Swarm trap locations and descriptions

Описание к видео Swarm trap locations and descriptions

This video goes over the locations of all 6 of our traps for the 2022 season. All traps are in Kent County Michigan

I tried to setup a wide variety of locations so we could show all possibilities for trap placement from suburban to very rural. Below you will find notes for each trap

Trap 1
Trap has caught before and location has caught.
Light agriculture
Train tracks
Power lines
International Airport nearby
Trap on intersecting trails
Southern exposure
In shade
Cool Carls home 🐶

Trap 2
Trap has caught
Location tried two years ago and did not catch
Rural with many lake homes
Light agriculture
Southern exposure in the sun
Low trap. No ladder
Tree line facing open field
Been beekeepers in the area for years Homeowner loves their flowers and birds with lots of activity
Emis home 🐶

Trap 3
New construction trap
New location tree stand
Light agriculture
Many homes with land
Woods and overgrown fields
Ponds on property Southeast exposure in the sun facing small open area

Trap 4
New construction trap
New location
Many hobby farms
Heavy agriculture
Trap mounted to old utility pole.
Southern exposure in full sun

Trap 5
New trap construction
Location has caught
Hundreds of acres Low wooded wetland
Light agriculture for first mile and heavy after that
Tree stand setup
Southeastern exposure
Moderate sun
Twenty yards from our Apiary

Trap 6
New trap construction
New location
50 year old subdivision with many mature trees
15 feet from home
International Airport nearby
Southern exposure in full sun
Trap facing overgrown hill



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