Decorah N2B 17/04/7

Описание к видео Decorah N2B 17/04/7

The nestlings took advantage of the sunny weather with warm temperatures in the upper 50's and no wind to enjoy some fresh air. I used fast motion for some of D27's zoom sleeping time which is noted in the video with timecodes. I also used timecodes between clips.
0:11 D26 is peeking out from Dad on the right and D28 is facing the camera under Dad's wing when D27 pops up in back of Dad.
0:40 D27 lies back down in back of Dad
0:53 Dad gets stands up then D26 and D28 pop up their heads
1:31 Dad settles back down to brood but stays back a little farther to give D26 and D28 a little more space to enjoy some fresh air out from under him
1:50 D28 nibbles on Dad's feathers
1:56 D26 pops up briefly to show off a full crop then goes back into a food coma
3:11 D28 gives Dad's feathers another nibble
3:38 D28 loses his or her short very short battle with sleep
3:47 D28 wakes up and pops his or her head up
4:21 D26 pops up briefly then flops down mostly behind Dad
4:33 D28 does a crop drop
5:14 D28 puts his or head down to sleep
5:27 the camera zooms in very close on a sleeping D28 snuggled in a nice mini-nest of fluffed grass
5:39 D28 raises his or her head a bit while still sleeping
5:56 D28 shakes his or her head while still sleeping
6:19 the camera zooms left a little
6:22 D28 shakes his or her body a little while still sleeping
6:42 the camera zooms out
6:47 D28 briefly pops up his or her head then goes back to sleep
7:19 the camera zooms out
7:28 the view switches to the second camera showing D27 enjoying the lovely weather by the front rail
7:35 the camera zooms in on D27
7:46 D27 does a crop drop or yawns
7:56 the camera zooms out a little
7:59 D27 does a crop drop or yawns
8:03 the camera pans to the right a little
8:07 the camera zooms out a little
8:07 D27 plays with some grass
8:41 D27 nibbles one of Dad's feathers
8:47 D27 chomps down hard on one of Dad's feathers but doesn't hold on or tug it
8:59 and 9:12 D27 nibbles on one of Dad's feathers
9:34 D27 sits up tall
9:38 the camera zooms out a little
9:41 the camera zooms up a little
9:42 D27 waggles his or her upper body and turns to the left
9:53 D27 gives some grass a quick nibble
10:42 D27 cheeps a few times
10:50 one of the nestlings, likely D26, pops his or her head up a little
11:00 quite a bit of cheeping can be heard
11:28 D27 sits up tall and turns to the left
11:45 D27 does a brief face plant as the camera zooms in a little
12:00 the camera zooms out a little
12:08 D27 turns to face Dad
12:26 D27 turns right
12:41 the camera zooms in
12:55 D27 lies down
12:59 the camera pans down to follow D27
13:02 and 14:15 D27 plays with some grass and small twig by the rail
14:23 and 14:45 the camera zooms out
15:25 D27 sits up tall
15:27 the camera zooms out
15:30 D27 tumbles over
15:31 the camera pans up
15:41 D27 sits up tall
16:00 D27 tumbles over but pops right back up
16:16 D27 lies down
16:25 D27 sits up tall
15:32 D27 lies down
16:50 the camera zooms out
16:53 the camera pans up
16:57 the camera zooms out


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