Find a job | HGV Rigid | Dusty Site | Trucking with Big Wheel Zak

Описание к видео Find a job | HGV Rigid | Dusty Site | Trucking with Big Wheel Zak

Well he will be finding a new job at this rate!
This video is for people that may consider to become a Truck Driver. I'm also learning on the go.... as you can see! lol
*Please Like and subscribe to my channel :) *
About me:
I'm a Truck Driver that actually like driving trucks and being on the road. As you noticed i got a "strong" South African accent but been living in the UK for more than 18 years. The reason why I make these videos, I was once in your shoes where YouTube was my wealth of all trucking related knowledge and I would like to contribute back to the community. I got no idea what im doing but i love it!
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Track: Want You — Vendredi & Sterkøl [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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Track: Eclipse — tubebackr [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch:    • Eclipse — tubebackr | Free Background...  
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