What does the element tellurium look like?

Описание к видео What does the element tellurium look like?

The metalloid tellurium 99.9999% purity from Luciteria Science.

More fragile than glass, tellurium is a very rare element found together with copper. Copper, too, happens to be rare in nature as well but - luckily - what little there is tends to bulk up together making recovery easy. In mining, copper tellurium is recovered as a valuable impurity and due to its halfway-metal, halfway-something-else it has unique electrical properties that can be exploited. More uses have been employing tellurium and its growth in industry is really only checked by its rarity.

The metalloid tellurium is a lot rarer in nature than the price suggests; comparable to gold but far cheaper due to lower demand. That disparity between rarity and cost however is slowly erasing as tellurium has found various uses in electronics.

Buy your tellurium here: https://luciteria.com/elements-for-sa...

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