Story of Saint Ignatius of Loyola -Part -1- | English | Story of Saints

Описание к видео Story of Saint Ignatius of Loyola -Part -1- | English | Story of Saints

Saint Ignatius of Loyola was a Priest and a theologian. He was one of the founder of the society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits. It was a society within the Catholic church. The purpose of Jesuits was to promote Christian faith among people worldwide.Ignatius whose real name was Ingio Lopez, was born in 1492, in a small village called Loyola, at the southern end of Azpeitia. Watch the amazing episode of this saint, who once a great soldier, turned to God. Do not miss this episode!

Story of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

society of jesus

ignatius of loyola


Story of Saints


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