Album Mestre Traíra

Описание к видео Album Mestre Traíra

Mestre Traíra
It is somewhat challenging to write about Mestre Traíra due to the lack of records that would help construct his biography.

His name was José Ramos do Nascimento. It is known that he was very famous in the capoeira scene in Bahia. He was recognized as an expert in the art of sweeps and headbutts.
Writer Jorge Amado, a frequent visitor to the capoeira circles in Mestre Waldemar's famous barracão, described Mestre Traíra as follows:
"Traíra, a lean and reserved man, made of muscles, a great capoeira master. Watching him play is a true aesthetic pleasure. He seems like a dancer, and only Pastinha can compete with him in the beauty of movements, agility, and the precision of strikes. When Traíra is not at Waldemar's school, he is nearby, at the Seven Springs school, also in Liberdade."

The Film
Mestre Traíra also had a role in the short film "Vadiação," directed by Alexandre Robatto Filho, produced in 1954, along with many famous capoeiristas of that time such as Curió, Nagé, Bimba, Waldemar, Caiçara, Crispim, and others. This film was a milestone in the cinematographic history of capoeira.

The Record
He also recorded an album with Mestre Cobrinha Verde, titled "Capoeira da Bahia." The album was produced by the "Xauã" record label and is considered a rarity in capoeira's phonographic production.

Unfortunately, this is all I could find about Mestre Traíra. Many capoeira masters are being forgotten due to the lack of records or documents, but the important thing is to gather what little we have and thus keep the history of these masters alive. If anyone has any information to add, please get in touch or leave a comment. Until next time.



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