Livestream English Class for C2 and C1 - Multiple Choice Cloze 10 AM UK TIME TUESDAY 24th December

Описание к видео Livestream English Class for C2 and C1 - Multiple Choice Cloze 10 AM UK TIME TUESDAY 24th December

Livestream English Class for C2 and C1 - Multiple Choice Cloze 10 AM UK TIME TUESDAY 24th December

#iswearenglish #multiplechoicecloze #cloze #cpe

SUBSEQUENT STREAM ON THURSDAY 26th December at 4.30 pm UK time

Is nuclear power gaining new energy?

It is not a/an (lonely, alone, isolated, single) case.

The US’s newest reactors at Plant Vogtle in Georgia opened seven years late, and cost more than $35bn – well over double their original (bid, budget, allowance, finance).

SMRs are designed to solve this problem. They will be smaller than traditional reactors, using (normal, regulated, standardised, calibrated) parts that can be assembled quickly, at sites close to where the power is needed.

But while there are some 80 different designs under development globally, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, the concept has yet to be (proven, shown, assured, settled) commercially.

Opinions about nuclear power remain highly (contrary, polarised, conflicting, contradictory, incongruous).

Supporters claim the technology is (indispensable, demanded, inherent, requirement) if climate targets are to be reached. Among them is Rod Adams, whose Nucleation Capital fund promotes investment in nuclear technology.

“Nuclear fission has a seven-decade (background, report, history, saga) showing it is one of the safest power sources available," he explains.

“It is a durable, reliable source of power with low (in progress, ongoing, progressing, underway) costs, but capital costs have been too high in Western countries."

(Rivals, Competitors, opponents, Opposition) though, insist nuclear power is not the answer.

According to Professor M.V. Ramana of the University of British Columbia, it is “a/an (insanity, lunacy, recklessness, folly) to consider nuclear energy as clean”.

It is, he says, "one of the most expensive ways to generate electricity. Investing in cheaper low-carbon (sources, origins, roots, providers) of energy will provide more emissions reductions per dollar."

If current trends do (herald, announce, proclaim, trumpet) a new nuclear age, one old problem remains.

After 70 years of atomic power, there is still disagreement over what to do with the accumulated radioactive waste - some of which will remain (critical, hazardous, risky, insecure) for hundreds of thousands of years.

The answer being (pursued, chased, hunted, proceeded) by many governments is geological disposal - burying the waste in sealed tunnels deep underground.


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