Bill and Jerry kids 1950's; Bill (Senior) and Evelyn's wedding; Christmas at Paul and Helen's

Описание к видео Bill and Jerry kids 1950's; Bill (Senior) and Evelyn's wedding; Christmas at Paul and Helen's

Starts with Uncle Aaron, Bill, Jerry on pogo stick. at 1:47 cars ready for Bill (Senior) and Evelean's wedding, then people dancing at the wedding reception. At 3:00 are Bill's Grandpa Knall, Aunt Helen & Uncle Paul. At 3:09 Evelean, her brother "Bud" in Navy uniform. At 3:41 Bill's Grandma Knall kisses Grandpa Knall as son Bill (Senior) watches. At 3:59 Evelean and Grandpa Knall. 4:13 Marie. At 4:34 Evelean and Bill (Senior) kiss and cuddle. at 4:59 Gma & Gpa Rose. At 5:14 Grandma & Grandpa Knall; 5:18 Grandma & Grandpa Rose (Evelean's parents). At 5:28 Christmas at Gpa Knall's with Aunt Helen, Uncle Paul, little daughter Linda, Grandma & Grandpa Rose. At 6:36 older woman with glasses might Gpa Knall's new wife and her two grown daughters and their kids? 5:58 Linda & kids. At 6:16 Maxine (Evelean's sister) & daughters Cindy (holding card) & Barbara, At 5 :37 train set at Linderman house. At 5:54 friends Peg Steffen, daughters Jill & Bonnie, son Timmy. At 7:11 Jerry & Bill ice skating (falling a lot!). At 8:12 Aunt Marie birthday cake. At 8:35 Bill & Jerry clowning around at Easter. 8:59 Bill, Jerry, Evelean, Bill at lake, water skiing. At 12:30 Bill & Jerry playing ball.


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