【CDCA】CTS/CSE Database Compliance Analyzer Introduction

Описание к видео 【CDCA】CTS/CSE Database Compliance Analyzer Introduction

The CTS/CSE Database Compliance Analyzer (CDCA) is a comparison software designed to verify ECG algorithms with reference values required by IEC 60601-2-25 and YY 0782.
It provides an intuitive and one-stop comparison: users import the test values, click to compare them with reference values, and export the comparison result to a Word file.

CTS 和 CSE 數據庫比對分析軟體(CTS/CSE Database Compliance Analyzer,CDCA)是一款專為驗證 ECG 演算法而設計的比對軟體,可比對待測物的測試數值是否符合 IEC 60601-2-25 和 YY 0782 要求的標準數值。
此軟體提供直覺的一站式操作:使用者僅需匯入測試數值、點擊開始比對,便可匯出比對結果為 Word 檔案。

00:00 – Start(開始)
01:10 – Compare test values from amplitude testing using the CTS database
(比對以 CTS 數據庫進行的 amplitude 測試)
05:18 – Comparison results of amplitude testing
(amplitude 測試比對結果)
07:29 – Compare test values from interval and duration testing using the CTS database
(比對以 CTS 數據庫進行的 interval 和 duration 測試)
08:00 – Compare test values from interval testing using the CSE database
(比對以 CSE 數據庫進行的 interval 測試)

◆ WhaleTeq’s official website(鯨揚科技官網):https://www.whaleteq.com/
◆ CDCA product information(CDCA產品資訊):https://pse.is/6g3ze5

#WhaleTeq #ECG #CTSdatabase #CSEdatabase #ECGalgorithm #iec60601-2-25


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