DBI Podcast #1 - Blockchain Basics

Описание к видео DBI Podcast #1 - Blockchain Basics

An introduction to the basic topics of Blockchain between someone new to the topic (Nathan) and someone who contributes to blockchain-related hackathons (Rahim)

If you have any questions, suggestions, if you'd like any topic to be discussed, or you are interested in joining us, please contact us at the following email address: [email protected]

Welcome to the channel! We are the Delft Blockchain Initiative, a group of students trying to create an honest space for discussion of Blockchain-related subjects. We believe that a huge excess of misinformation exists around blockchain, both positive and negative. This is a problem because if blockchain is such a powerful technology, it is probably worth the investigation and attention of tomorrow's next engineers and thinkers. But how should we do that if so many voices have been dishonest in the world of crypto? The solution is to organise discussions, debates, and to address the technical aspects of the current state of blockchain technology.

Through all of this, we hope to bring together all the possible interest in blockchain of Delft, so as to create beneficial, transformative technologies of the future.

In this video, we take a simple beginning by exploring the topic, and will build upon this to organise a debate on the pros and cons of blockchain technology.

music done by Sarien:   / user-411308490  


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