SFR SCCA R9 & R10 - tough weekend

Описание к видео SFR SCCA R9 & R10 - tough weekend

Overall tough weekend with challenging courses and difficult conditions.

Tesla M3P (R9)
Typically this car can manage to be in the top ~30% overall but unfortunately struggled to get the balance right. Lots of understeer and couldn’t get the car to rotate as nicely as I wanted. Need to relook at damper and tire pressure settings.

Khoa’s AP2 (R10)
Tires were on the last leg so grip was on the lower end but similarly struggled to get the car to rotated. Car felt very different from what I remember last time so it took the whole 5 runs to figure out how to extract the most out of the current setup.

Alex’s AP1 (R10 fun runs)
Despite being on stock suspension and mediocre summer tires the car felt great. Car would rotate on corner entry and was very tail happy (a tad too much). I was looking for this kind of behavior in the Tesla since point and shoot is quicker for autox. Really excited to see how the car can perform with better shocks and tires.

#s2000 #autocross #autox #motorsport #SFR #SCCA #SFRSCCA #オートクロス #テスラ #tesla
Alex Tanaka


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