Holy Trinity Lutheran Church – Wildwood Sunday, September 8, 2024 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Описание к видео Holy Trinity Lutheran Church – Wildwood Sunday, September 8, 2024 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church – Wildwood
Sunday, September 8, 2024
16th Sunday after Pentecost
& “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday

Zoom meeting information will be sent in an email as a calendar invitation. If you wish to receive the calendar invitation, please email the church office. YouTube Live Stream at the end of this message.

If you need a copy of the order of worship and celebrates’ please email or call the church office and leave a message. Thank you.

10:30 AM
Pastor - Mark Bruesehoff
Deacon - Kenneth Bassett
Assisting Minister - Kenneth Bassett
Lector - Anthony Bruno
Communion Assistant -
Acolyte -
Greeter -
Musician - Diane Kummings - Pianist
Grover is recuperating and will not available

Altar Flowers given to the glory of God.

ELW 641 All Are Welcome
ELW 883 All People That on Earth Do Dwell
ELW 731 Earth and All Stars! / God’s work. Our hands.

Prayer of the Day
Gracious God, throughout the ages you transform sickness into health and death into life. Open us to the power of your presence, and make us a people ready to proclaim your promises to the whole world, through Jesus Christ, our healer and Lord.

Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia. Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Alleluia. (Phil. 4:4)

Readings and Psalm
Isaiah 35:4-7a
Like streams in the desert, God comes with healing
Psalm 146
I will praise the Lord as long as I live. (Ps. 146:2)
James 2:1-10 [11-13] 14-17
Faith without works is dead
Mark 7:24-37
Christ healing a little girl and a deaf man


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