Profile Toko Pertanian 5758 - Store: Fertilizers, Pesticides, Seeds & Agricultural Facilities

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Profile Toko Pertanian 5758 - Store: Fertilizers, Pesticides, Seeds & Agricultural Facilities

Godong, Godong, grobogan, JATENG
HP / WA : 08139054 5758

Google Maps


Toko Pertanian 5758 / Toko Pertanian Maju Mapan
Menyediakan Benih, Pupuk dan Pestisida, serta Sarana Produksi Pertanian Lainnya
Tersedia Ribuan Item

1, Benih Semangka
2. Benih Melon
3. Benih Padi
4. Benih Timun
5. benih Terong
6. Benih Sawi
7. benih Bayam
8. Benih Kacang Panjang
9. Benih Kacang Hijau
10. Benih Pare
11. Benih Cabe
12. Bneih Tomat.

1. Pupuk Organik Cair / POC
2. Pupuk Pelengkap Cair / PPC
3. Pupuk Mas Hitam
4. Pupuk Mutiara Daun Dan Buah / Pupuk NPK
5. Pupuk DGW / Pupuk NPK
6. Pupuk Saprotan Utama / Pupuk NPK / Pupuk Majemuk / Pupuk Tunggal
7. Pupuk Gandasil Buah
8. Pupuk Gandasil Daun
9. Pupuk Farmpion Daun
10. Pupuk Farmpion Buah
11. Pupuk pembenah Tanah

1. Insektisida
2. Fungisida
3. Bakterisida
4. Rodentisida
5. Akarisida
6. Fungisida Biologi
7. Fungisida dan Bakterisida

1. Tangki Elektrik
2. Booster Sprayer / Booster Senapan
3. Suku Cadang Tangki Elektrik / Sparepart Tangki Elektrik
4. Tangki Manual
5, Suku Cadang Tangki Manual / Spare Part Tangki Manual
6. Servis Tangki
7. Plastik Tikus


5758 Agricultural Shop / Maju Mapan Agricultural Shop
Providing seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, as well as other agricultural production facilities
Thousands of items available

1, Watermelon Seeds
2. Melon seeds
3. Rice Seeds
4. Cucumber seeds
5. Eggplant seeds
6. Mustard Seeds
7. Spinach seeds
8. Long Bean Seeds
9. Green Bean Seeds
10. Pare seeds
11. Chili Seeds
12. Bneih Tomato.

1. Liquid Organic Fertilizer / POC
2. Liquid Complementary Fertilizer / PPC
3. Black Mas Fertilizer
4. Pearl Leaf And Fruit Fertilizer / NPK Fertilizer
5. DGW fertilizer / NPK fertilizer
6. Main Saprotan Fertilizer / NPK Fertilizer / Compound Fertilizer / Single Fertilizer
7. Gandasil Buah Fertilizer
8. Gandasil Daun Fertilizer
9. Leaf Farmpion Fertilizer
10. Fruit Farmpion Fertilizer
11. Soil cleaning fertilizer

1. Insecticide
2. Fungicides
3. Bactericides
4. Rodenticides
5. Akarisida
6. Biological fungicides
7. Fungicides and Bactericides

1. Electric Tank
2. Booster Sprayer / Booster Rifle
3. Electric Tank Spare Parts / Electric Tank Spare Parts
4. Manual Tank
5, Manual Tank Spare Parts
6. Tank Service
7. Plastic Mice


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