Playwright Tutorial | Pass Request Body - Request Payload Using JSON file | Patch Call Introduction

Описание к видео Playwright Tutorial | Pass Request Body - Request Payload Using JSON file | Patch Call Introduction

Pass Request body - Request Payload for Put API call
Put Call covering different ways to pass Base URL and Header,
API Testing with UI,
Put Request body - Request Payload for Put API call
Put Call covering different ways to pass Base URL and Header,
API Testing with UI,
Patch Call For API Testing with Playwright

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playwright, playwright tutorial, playwright testing



00:00 - Introduction Of Request Body / Request Payload
01:01 - Introduction of Patch API Call
04:16 - Pass Request Body from JSON File for Post Call
14:36 - Pass Request Body from JSON File for Put Call
22:26 - Restructuring JSON file for POST / PUT Call
25:28 - Recap

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Playwright with TypeScript | Pass Request Body / Request Payload Using JSON file | Patch Call Introduction

The request body is the part of the HTTP request that contains the data being sent to the server. This data can be in various formats, such as JSON, XML, etc.

The request body is typically used with certain HTTP methods:
POST: To create / update a new resource on the server.
PUT: To create / update an existing resource. ( replaces the entire resource at the targeted location)
PATCH: To partially update an existing resource.(PATCH is used to apply partial updates to a resource, meaning that only the fields that need to be changed are sent in the request body. PUT is used to replace the entire resource with a new representation, meaning that all the fields of the resource are sent in the request body)
DELETE: Occasionally used to send additional data for resource deletion.

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