Etaj'Live #7. Cuibul

Описание к видео Etaj'Live #7. Cuibul

Etaj'Live is the first online platform in Moldova for live concerts that promotes quality alternative music.
This project is a joint effort of Casa Imago and POT Music and offers professional sound and picture by bringing in front of the camera both local and foreign music, young talents and already known worldwide artists.
Etaj’Live will have a wider audience thanks to the input of popular bands like Cuibul, which was founded in 1991 by the musician Igor Dinga.
00:00 Get up, I'm waiting
04:36 На кономойне
08:04 Așa și așa
12:18 Здравствуй, мой город
16:17 По ми дор
21:24 Музыка летняя


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