Chanda Fort, WORLD HERITAGE WEEK 2021 by INTACH Chandrapur Chapter. Episode 3

Описание к видео Chanda Fort, WORLD HERITAGE WEEK 2021 by INTACH Chandrapur Chapter. Episode 3


Today, in this episode we are going to know about four famous historical entrance gates of Chandrapur. Pathanpura gate, Jatpura Gate, Anchaleshwar gate and Binba gate.
The 12 km grand fortification wall built of sandstone around the city of Chandrapur is a special attraction of the city.
Four huge parallel entrance gates have been constructed in all four directions and five small gates in this fortification wall.
The foundation of this fortification wall was kept by Gond King Khandakya Ballarshah. After him, the construction of this wall was carried forward during the tenure of Raja Hirshah, Raja Karnashah, Babaji Ballarshah and finally the construction of the wall was completed during the tenure of the sixth Gond king, Dhundya Ramshah.
For hundred consecutive years, this royal family contributed fully in the construction of this fortification wall.
Even today, these four entrance gates stand to enhance the beauty of Chandrapur city with its full splendor.


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