Easy Nerf Mods For Beginners - Paracord Handle Wrap Tutorial

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Easy Nerf Mods For Beginners - Paracord Handle Wrap Tutorial is the focus of today's Nerf mods for beginners video here on the Cj Nerf channel. For today's paracord tutorial we are taking the Boomco blaze of glory and paracord wrapping the grip of the blaster. This particular paracord wrapping technique is called the west country whipping wrap it is easy and takes just about 10-15 minutes to do. The overall result is a new level of aesthetics mixed in with functionality ! Let me know what you think in the comments section please feel free to follow along and let me know how you make out ! have a great day cya on the next tutorial

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Paracord - 550lb Type Primary - https://amzn.to/2VevEuK


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Music in This Video is - Music by Epidemic Sound

CJ Nerf
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Email - cjnerf@gmail.com

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