Six Years Ago I Put Saltwater in a Jar, This Happened | Natural Saltwater Ecosphere 6 Year Update

Описание к видео Six Years Ago I Put Saltwater in a Jar, This Happened | Natural Saltwater Ecosphere 6 Year Update

Six years ago I made this huge natural native saltwater ecosphere in a jar. It has had a lot of ups and downs, but to this day is still very successful. The ecosphere has housed crabs, starfish, spionid worms, gammarids and a lot more and is currently still housing a lot of crustaceans, paramecium, and other invertebrates and microbes. This seawater ecosystem has been a stable tiny world in a jar for years now, and who knows how many more to come!



Patrons: Claudia Watrin, Justin Duch, Connor Johnson, Lisa L. Altizer, Nikolas Morka


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