Health Benefits of Khubani(Apricot) in Hindi | Khubani khane ke fayde |Khubani khane ke sahi tarika

Описание к видео Health Benefits of Khubani(Apricot) in Hindi | Khubani khane ke fayde |Khubani khane ke sahi tarika

Health Benefits of Khubani(Apricot) in Hindi | Khubani khane ke fayde | Khubani khane ke sahi tarika

Like other fruits, the dietary fiber in apricots (one cup of apricots has 3 grams of fiber), increases metabolism, which improves digestion, prevents constipation and can help the body feel fuller, longer to aid in weight loss. Apricots are great sources of vitamins A and C, and also contain vitamin E and iron.

How much Apricot should I eat a day?
Apricots are a recommended health food

Obviously dried apricots count as one of your five a day. The recommended portion is 30gms (3 or 4 apricots). All dried fruit contains the same nutritional qualities as the original fresh fruit.

Does apricot reduce weight?
Low In Calories: Apricots contain only 48 calories per 100 grams, which makes them an excellent low-cal addition to your weight loss diet. Apricots can fill you up for several hours, without affecting your calorie load and keep cravings in check.


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