Welcome to “BAMAZ” Brooklyn

Описание к видео Welcome to “BAMAZ” Brooklyn

00:00 Visiting PHRESHER ‪@sophreshtv‬ in his East New York hood “BAMAZ”
00:47 Welcome to BAMAZ
01:11 BAMA Park
05:20 Alabama Avenue
05:33 Phresher on having the biggest family in the projects
05:50 Infamous PSA 2
06:26 Stevo's Pizza
06:48 Grandma's famous carrot cake
08:09 Sutter Ave
09:33 Georgia Avenue
09:45 Phresher's grandmother
12:06 Visiting Phresher's grandma
12:57 Grandma's home cooked food
16:19 Back to the park
17:47 Gotta have the hood tatted on your back
18:09 Phresher one-on-one game
21:20 Evening in the hood
24:28 Back at Grandma's crib
PHRESHER Music Available On All Streaming Services:
PHRESHER IG   / phresher_dgygz  
  / phresher_dgygz  
  / therealphresher  
HoodVlogs IG   / thehoodvlogs  
Song in the intro "Crip Go Crazy" by IsitBeezy    • Crip Go Crazy - IsitBeezy  


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