Два Бога Богатства объединяются, чтобы изгнать Бога Чумы и благословить мир.

Описание к видео Два Бога Богатства объединяются, чтобы изгнать Бога Чумы и благословить мир.

Legend has it that when Hou Yi shot the sun, six of the eight suns that fell turned into monsters and harmed the world, and they were all subdued by Zhang Tianshi. The remaining one became half-human, half-demon, named heretics; the other was accepted as an apprentice by Zhang Tianshi, named Zhao Gongming. In other words, one day Zhao Gongming sneaked down to the mortal world and met Zuo Dao unexpectedly, and the two teamed up to invent mahjong for the world for entertainment. Queen Mother Joy granted them the God of Wealth and the God of Wealth, and allowed them to go down to the mortal world to benefit the people at any time. The betrayal of the God of Wealth and the God of Plague colluded with each other to make people obsessed with wealth, and the world will no longer be peaceful. The God of Wealth drove away the two "evil gods", but the evil root of people's greed has not been eliminated. The God of Wealth has to go to the folks often, working hard to make people's lives better


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