Hot Start Challenger 650 - Fuelling

Описание к видео Hot Start Challenger 650 - Fuelling

Hot Start Challenger 650 tutorial series

A detailed look at the fuelling system, some common misunderstandings and traps.

Errors, Omissions, Clarifications:-

Error: "Fuel Valve Wing" - I meant to say "Fuel Wing Value" which would have made more sense. It's been a long day! Similarly, it's obviously an "Ejector Pump", not an "Ejector Valve"

Clarification: The fuel truck pump can be started before valve selection, however in the video I show valves first each time to clearly indicate it's the fuel truck providing the power to open the valves.

The fine print:

It shouldn't need to be said, but please remember these videos are for recreational simulation and entertainment purposes, not real world flight instruction.

Unlike other videos on the channel, I have been given free access to the Hot Start Challenger 650 as a result of extensive participation in the beta program. My videos are not intended to be an outright promotion of the product, but rather as informative tutorials. No payment has been received for the creation of this content. Thanks to Sašo Kiselkov and Goran Matovina for inviting me to the program and for being so receptive to feedback.

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