Бангкок, Таиланд в будущем, год: 2100.

Описание к видео Бангкок, Таиланд в будущем, год: 2100.

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In 2100, Bangkok will have transformed into a city of futuristic architecture and eco-friendly innovations. Its skyline will be dominated by towering skyscrapers, many equipped with vertical gardens to combat air pollution. The city's transportation system will be highly advanced, featuring autonomous electric vehicles and efficient public transit networks, reducing traffic congestion and emissions. Bangkok's famous waterways, once bustling with traditional boats, will be cleaner and integrated into an advanced urban water management system, helping the city to efficiently manage its water resources and mitigate flooding risks. Furthermore, Bangkok will have become a hub for technology and innovation, attracting global talent and fostering a vibrant startup ecosystem. Despite these advancements, the city will have preserved its rich cultural heritage, blending the old with the new in a harmonious balance.

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