Hans Sluiman with Taylor's Mistake Handski bodysurfing

Описание к видео Hans Sluiman with Taylor's Mistake Handski bodysurfing

Taylor's Mistake Handski showing the control and speed it offers to make long runs and get maximum stoke out of a wave.
A bodysurfing hand plane originally designed in the end of the seventies by Steve Mander of Christchurch , New Zealand.
Just south of Christchurch is Taylor's Mistake Bay where Steve and his friends developed the Handski hence the name. Now resurrected and upgraded with refinements in the design, the video shows that the Taylor's Mistake Handski is still at the top of it's game as the ultimate bodysurfing tool.
More floatation, a sharper rail for better edging on the wave face and a bit more rocker gives it increased performance and speed.

Shot at echo beach, Bali with music by Stakbabber.

And don't forget to check out http://www.stakbabber.com for some more wicked tunes.

See you out there...


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