Mutant Year Zero Zone Wars | New Scenarios |

Описание к видео Mutant Year Zero Zone Wars | New Scenarios |

The Zone is full of perils and opportunity! Here are three new scenarios to use in your games of Zone Wars. Below is a written summary of each scenario.

Watch Where You Step

Choosing Models: Watch Where You Step can be played with 3-5 models per player.

Zone Cards: Take the trigger cards out, but use all other cards.

Terrain: All blocking terrain and buildings should be arranged either side of the road. Only Low terrain can be placed on the road itself.

Artifact Tokens: Artifacts should be divided evenly and placed either side of the road. Use three tokens per player.

Deploy Models: Players take turns deploying their models within Long range of opposite board corners..

Mines: Each time a model ends its turn with any part of its base off the road, the model’s controller must make a Survival Roll. If the roll is unsuccessful, the model suffers two damage.

Ending the Game: The game lasts for 5 full rounds.

Rescue Mission

Choosing Models: In Rescue Mission, each player starts with 2 models. They may recover up to two more models during the scenario.

Zone Cards: Take the trigger cards out, but use all other cards.

Terrain: Use the terrain available to create distinct structures (these may be ruins). Try to space these out evenly. Place one Objective token inside inside each token - ideally three for each player.

Artifact Tokens: Randomly distribute two artifact tokens per player.

Deploy Models: Players take turns deploying their models within Long range of opposite board corners.

Finding Survivors: Each time a model moves within Medium range and LOS of an Objective token, test to see if it is a lost model. Roll 3 dice. If yone or more successes is achieved, replace the token with a broken model. The model may only recover if subject to a successful Assist Recovery action. If the model leaves the board before the end of the game

Ending the Game: The game lasts for 6 full rounds.

We’ve Hit the Jackpot

Choosing Models: In We’ve Hit the Jackpot, each player starts with 2-5 models.

Zone Cards: Take the trigger and creature cards out, but use all other cards.

Terrain: Place a structure in the centre of the board. This will be where the cache is located. Distribute other terrain around the board, with no other buildings within Long range of the centre.

Artifact Tokens: Randomly distribute two artifact tokens per player.

Deploy Models: Players take turns deploying their models within Long range of opposite board corners.

Finding Survivors: Any model in contact with the cache may complete a Simple Operation to claim an Objective token. This is worth 3 VP if it is off the board before the game ends.

Guardians: Assemble 4 guardians - these may be represented with tokens of suitable models. Scatter these 2D6 inches from the centre of the board to deploy them. Any time they are subject to a Ranged attack or an enemy model ends its move within Medium Range they make a Long move towards the model and attack it if possible. Guardians have 4 Melee, and always push rolls. They cannot gain MP.

Once they have activated, Guardians should be treated like other Monsters (see page 14 of the Zone Wars Rulebook).

Ending the Game: The game lasts for five full rounds.


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