Power Instinct/Gōketsuji Ichizoku 2: All Musical Backgrounds

Описание к видео Power Instinct/Gōketsuji Ichizoku 2: All Musical Backgrounds

I always found the combination of the music and the sprites in the background to really add a lot to the charm of the Power Instinct/Gōketsuji Ichizoku series. I made this video because, when looking online i could only find, MP3's of the OST or just normal gameplay of the games.

However, even tho i wished i could only rip the background & the song associated to it and remove the SFX of the game (things such as round 2 calls, playable character sprites etc...)
i did not find a method to do it in a way it looks/sounds good.

0:00 A Man's Karate Way Part II (Reiji Oyama's Theme)
2:01 I Want Love to be Magical (Kurara Hananokoji's Theme)
3:40 A Life of Solitary Journey (Kanji Kokuin's Theme)
4:55 Okinawa-n (Oshima Goketsuji's Theme)
6:09 ''...'' of Tears (Saizo Hattori's Theme)
8:11 Monk Dadada! (Thin Nen's Theme)
9:40 First Love ''The First Love'' (Annie Hamilton's theme)
11:18 The Night of the Amiyai (White Buffalo's Theme)
12:21 Give Me Money (Angela Belti's Theme)
14:28 ZIZIZI (Oume Goketsuji's Theme)
15:35 Brat Kindergarten Song (Kintaro Kokuin's Theme)
16:57 Ketjabian (Sahad Asran Ryuto's Theme)
18:10 I Want to Be a Hero: Questionable Version- (Keith Wayne's Theme 1)
19:06 I Want to Be a Hero: Heavy Version (Keith Wayne's Theme 2)
20:03 I Want to Be a Hero: Refreshing Version (Keith Wayne's Theme 3)


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