Divine Masculine Message for His Beloved (Sept 25- Oct 1): "The Bigger Picture"

Описание к видео Divine Masculine Message for His Beloved (Sept 25- Oct 1): "The Bigger Picture"

This week, the Divine Masculine reminds his Beloved of the beauty to look at the bigger picture as he scrambles over himself to cope with collapsing and merging timelines.

This is a general reading and may or may not resonate with you. If these readings help you along your journey and you would like to make a heart-based donation for the energy exchange, please do so at the website at yaelalchemy.com.

For personal readings and/or reiki sessions, visit the website as well at yaelalchemy.com or email me at [email protected]


CELESTIAL ABUNDANCE ENCODING - an attunement for the energetic blueprint of abundance, prosperity, and success that draws higher vibration frequencies attuned to circumstances you want to manifest

RASHEEBA HEALING SESSIONS - get started actively creating your reality with Dragon Fire

HEART CHAKRA REIKI - get energetic support for yourself and/or your Twin Flame/Divine Counterpart/Soulmate in embracing the shift brought on by the massive Earth Heart Energy opening at this time through your Heart Energy Centers.

ALL ARE AVAILABLE AT: yaelalchemy.com/specials.php

Namaste! - Yael x o x o


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