Walking Around berkeliling GBK Sport Complex dengan Mobil Layanan Gratis ❕ Stadion Utama GBK

Описание к видео Walking Around berkeliling GBK Sport Complex dengan Mobil Layanan Gratis ❕ Stadion Utama GBK

GBK Sport Complex Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/wHD7D3ZcHZ2VT8sq9


Bung Karno Sports Arena (Indonesian: Kompleks Gelanggang Olahraga Bung Karno, known as Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex), formerly named Senayan Sports Arena (Indonesian: Gelanggang Olahraga Senayan) from 1969 to 2001 and Asian Games Complex (Indonesian: Kompleks Asian Games) on its early days, is a sports complex located in Gelora, Central Jakarta, Indonesia. It is usually misperceived to be located at Senayan, South Jakarta, hence its former name. The sports complex hosts main stadium, secondary stadium, the Sports Palace, football fields, aquatic stadium, tennis stadiums (indoor and outdoor), hockey, baseball and archery fields, and several indoor gymnasiums. The complex was built in 1960 for the 1962 Asian Games and recently underwent a major reconstruction for the 2018 Asian Games and Asian Para Games.

The sports complex host a main stadium with a capacity of 77,193 seats,[1] athletic stadium, football fields, aquatic stadium, tennis stadiums (indoor and outdoor), hockey, baseball and archery fields, and several indoor gymnasiums. It is named after Sukarno, Indonesia's first president and the sitting president during its development and initial opening.[2] It is the largest and one of the oldest sport complex in Jakarta and Indonesia, and also one of the largest in Southeast Asia. The Gelora Bung Karno Stadium is the main building within this sports complex. The abbreviation Gelora also means "vigorous" (like the flame or ocean wave) in Indonesian language.

Other than hosting numbers of sports facilities, the sports complex is also a popular place for people of Jakarta to do physical exercises; jogging, bicycling, aerobics and calisthenics especially during weekend.

After the Asian Games Federation declared Jakarta to host the 1962 Asian Games in 1958, the minimum requirement that yet to be met by the Jakarta was the availability of a multi-sport complex. In response to this, President Sukarno issued Presidential Decree No. 113/1959 dated 11 May 1959 about the establishment of the Asian Games Council of Indonesia (DAGI) led by Minister of Sports Maladi. Sukarno, as an architect and civil engineering graduate, proposed a location near M. H. Thamrin Boulevard and Menteng, namely the area of Karet, Pejompongan, or Dukuh Atas. Friedrich Silaban, a renowned architect who accompanied Sukarno to review the location by helicopter, disagreed with the selection of Dukuh Atas because he argued the construction of a sports complex in the center the future downtown area will potentially create a massive traffic congestion. Sukarno agreed and instead assigned the Senayan area with an area of approximately 300 hectares.

The first pole erection was done symbolically by Sukarno on 8 February 1960. Construction of Istora was completed in May 1961. The secondary stadium, Swimming Stadium and Tennis Stadium followed in December 1961. The main stadium was completed on 21 July 1962, a month before the games.


Gelanggang Olahraga Bung Karno atau Kompleks Olahraga Gelora Bung Karno adalah Sport Edutainment Complex yang berlokasi di Gelora, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia, didirikan sebagai simbol kemegahan dan kebesaran negara Indonesia yang dapat mempersatukan negara-negara maju dan berkembang. Tonggak sejarah GBK diwali dengan ditunjuknya Indonesia oleh Asian Games Federation sebagai Tuan Rumah Asian Games IV pada tahun 1962. Momentum tersebut disambut baik oleh Presiden Soekarno dengan membangun sebuah mega proyek venue olahraga yang dilengkapi dengan beberapa fasilitas seperti Wisma Atlet dan diberi nama Gelora Bung Karno.

Kompleks ini dibangun sebagai Kompleks Asian Games pada tahun 1960 untuk Pesta Olahraga Asia 1962 dan baru-baru ini menjalani rekonstruksi besar untuk Pesta Olahraga Asia 2018 dan Pesta Olahraga Difabel Asia 2018.


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