Best Practices: Don't Make These 3 Career Moves

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Career growth is often dependent on some strategic moves on your part. Today I want to talk about 3 areas where you might be unintentionally holding your career back.

Sticking to your job description
If you refuse to do more than what your job description reads, then good luck climbing the ladder. You need to be constantly looking for ways to go above and beyond. Take the initiative to take on important work and volunteer for critical projects that will likely require extra time from you. Don’t over think the notion of stepping on someone’s toes. Obviously you want to be a team player, and you don’t want to appear as an egotistical jerk but if there’s an opportunity for you to get some cross training and work with new team members, don’t worry what someone else thinks. As long as you have the approval of your boss and/or your boss’s boss, you’re good. If you are brand new to your job or the company, make sure you get your arms around your own job before pursuing new projects or opportunities.

More money equals career growth
This is easy to do at any age but especially when you are in the early years of your career. Making 10% or even 20% more may seem tempting but you need to play the long game here. You should be making decisions based on the people you’ll be exposed to, the training you’ll receive, how quickly you’ll be learning new skills and the growth potential. I have, in my life, and know many people who have actually taken pay cuts for the right opportunity. On the flip side, I left a higher paying position to return to go back to my old job because I was absolutely miserable. I was working for a boss I could not stand, working long hours and I could not wait to get out of there. I practically begged my previous employer to take me back at the salary I was previously earning. Thankfully I left on very good terms and that worked out for me. But it was a very painful learning lesson.

Staying off the Grid
With all the negative things we hear about social media, it might seem counter-intuitive when I tell you to avoid staying offline. Not only could you be missing crucial networking opportunities but moreover, recruiters are now scouring candidates social media profiles to gain more insight into that person. Needless to say, it is imperative that your profiles are drunken photos from your frat boy days. You’ll want to make sure that your privacy settings are air tight. Make your profiles available to the general public but make sure your settings are such that strangers can only see certain posts. Set your settings so that no one can tag you in their photos. With cameras everywhere, it’s entirely possible, even likely that one of your friends will get a kick out of posting a picture of you in an unflattering setting. Spend the time figuring out how to properly adjust your settings. Use your profile to promote yourself in a positive and professional way.

I wish all of your best of luck in pursuing your professional endeavors. I hope these tips will help guide you through uncharted and sometimes choppy waters I’d love to hear about your own experiences in the comment section below. Click subscribe to receive updates.

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