The Worst Breath in the World - Best of

Описание к видео The Worst Breath in the World - Best of

The Worst Breath in the World - Best of #OgilvyCannes 2012

Title: The Worst Breath in the World
Brand: Tic Tac
Office: O&M Paris

2012 Cannes Awards:
Silver / Category: Outdoor
Bronze / Category: Branded Content

As the makers of a fun, small mint, Tic Tac wanted to demonstrate just how devastating bad breath can be.

So, they set up unsuspecting people walking through a Rouen plaza. Just as someone asks them for directions, they—and everyone else—faint.

The damage ripples outward, captured on a giant video screen, as people throughout the city lose consciousness. Finally, one of the stricken weakly offers up a Tic Tac, and the whole city is revived.

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