RTD vs Thermocouple: Which is Better for Your Needs?

Описание к видео RTD vs Thermocouple: Which is Better for Your Needs?

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▶ You can read the full post here:

00:00 - Intro
00:59 - Basic Characteristics
06:43 - Advantages and Disadvantages
07:46 - When to Use
08:41 - Real-World Examples
09:06 - Conclusion


Temperature is an essential measurement for effectively monitoring and controlling various industrial applications.

Incorrect measurements can cause equipment failure, inferior quality of a product, and even severe risks to human health.

For example, controlling the right temperature in the food and beverage industry will ensure the food's quality, flavor, and freshness. If the temperature monitored is not correct, the wrong temperature can lead to health risks for consumers.

Devices are used to measure the temperature accurately, depending on specific applications.

An example of two devices used in industry is Thermocouples (T/C) and Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD).

1) Let’s start by defining the RTD and Thermocouples:

The RTD can be constructed as a small coil made of a wire wound element as a precise value resistor, mainly around a glass or ceramic bobbin. The winding is generally done in helix or birdcage construction. The RTD is also a passive device.

The Thermocouple is two different types of metals welded together at one end, creating a junction. The Thermocouple is an active device.

2) What materials are used to make an RTD or Thermocouple sensor?

For the RTD sensor, the most common elements used are nickel, platinum, or copper wire.

As for the Thermocouple sensor, different conductive metals will produce different levels of small voltage or charge. The most common types of thermocouples are denoted by a lettering system, such as K, J, T, and E.

3) The RTD and Thermocouple sensors have a measuring range depending on the material type used and the application.

An RTD can be used in temperatures ranging from -200 degrees Celsius to +850 degrees C.

The Thermocouple can measure from -250 degrees C to +1800 degrees C.

4) If you need more sensitivity, RTD is a better option.

RTDs have a slower response time than thermocouples but are more accurate over a wider temperature range.

In high-temperature applications, thermocouples tend to have a faster response time, but their accuracy can be affected by electromagnetic interference.

5) Here are just a few points to consider before you select the RTD or a Thermocouple,

RTD can measure lower ranges,
RTD is more accurate,
RTD output is linear.

RTD is more expensive,
RTD is unsuitable for temperatures over +850 degrees Celsius,
RTD has a slower reaction time as related to temperature changes.

Thermocouple is cheaper than RTD,
Thermocouples can measure a higher range,
Thermocouple reaction time is faster.

The output of the Thermocouple is non-linear,
Thermocouple has poor accuracy,
Thermocouples have poor stability with output results.

6) Here are some factors to consider when choosing a sensor for your control application:

The measuring range of your application,
Measurement accuracy you will need from your application,
The measurement drifts over time of use,
Single-point measurement narrowed down to the exact spot,
Sensitivity of the sensor,
Cost of the sensor.

7) RTD and thermocouples could be found in all types of industrial applications, like the food and beverage industry. They can also be found as close as in your automobile, monitoring the exhaust gas temperature of your tailpipe, engine temperatures sensor, and even your engine oil temperature.


Ready to take the plunge into RTD knowledge? The Complete Introduction to RTDs course on RealPars is your perfect guide: https://learn.realpars.com/courses/in...


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