Making the Perfect Botany Pot Farm! - Vault Hunters SMP 1.18 Ep. 14

Описание к видео Making the Perfect Botany Pot Farm! - Vault Hunters SMP 1.18 Ep. 14

Botany Pots are super powerful and it only seems right that we make a nice cosy home where we can farm up all our resources!

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#Hellfirem4ge #VaultHunters #minecraft

You may want to check out the other members of the server:
CWG: ‪@MasterCWG‬
Rob Plays Minecraft: ‪@RobPlaysMinecraft‬
Fuzzycub_ : ‪@Fuzzycub_‬
Styrkat : ‪@styrkatMC‬
C0deMC: ‪@CodeMC1‬
KoreyKeipe : ‪@StubbornSurvival‬
Ardeilys : ‪@ardedits540‬
EvatLeigh : ‪@EvatLeigh‬
PeePorp: ‪@Peeporp‬
Flynnrite : ‪@Flynnrite‬
Zinjy: ‪@zinjy‬


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