Japanese Awful Name of Real people | Kirakira-name

Описание к видео Japanese Awful Name of Real people | Kirakira-name

I think that parents are free to give their children names.
But depending on the name they give children, it can take away their freedom.
Recently, some people are naming their children Pikachu, a Pokemon.

■ABOUT "Dive Japan"
"Dive Japan" introduces many japanese interesting informations such as culture, custom, good tips of trip for japan and so on.
We would be happy if you will be interested, and want to come to Japan after watching our video.
Unfortunately, Tokyo olympics have postponed because of this situation, but we hope we could help to connect Japan with the world through video.

"Dive Japan" is project by two Japanese,"yasu(English)".and "bsk(Editing)".
We always try to use natural English expressions, but we are stil studying, so please go easy on us.
We try to make sure that information we tell is correct as possible, but we ane not expert, so we kindly ask for your understanding.

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