OpenBVE Virtual Railfanning: B, D, N, Q, and R Trains at 14th Street - Union Square (1987)

Описание к видео OpenBVE Virtual Railfanning: B, D, N, Q, and R Trains at 14th Street - Union Square (1987)

It's 1987... and the Broadway Line is going through an interesting change in service. During this time the Manhattan Bridge was undergoing repairs on the 6th Avenue Portion of the bridge. B and D Trains terminated at 34th Street. The Grand Street shuttle also ran at this time. Yellow B trains started at Queensboro Plaza, and rush hour B Trains started at Ditmars Blvd. It ran via West End in Brooklyn. Yellow D Trains started from 57th Street - 7th Avenue, along with the newly introduced Q line. The Yellow D ran via Brighton Local, and the Q ran via Brighton Express. (Although at the time, the Brighton Line was also undergoing repairs and renovations) R trains ran via Broadway Local along with the N. (Because three express lines are enough, right?) 1987 was also the year the N and R Trains swapped northern terminals. The N and R Trains shown in the video had either Ditmars Blvd or Forest Hills as the northern terminus. I know for a fact that the R30s were used on the Yellow B, but I don't have an R30 that would fit with the video. The rollsigns on most of the trains shown in the video did not contain a Yellow B or D, so the Orange versions were used instead. R68s were still brand new, recently put into service a year prior. R40s have seen much better days, as you can see in the video they look like rusty metal canvases of art in dire need of an overhaul. Most other trains such as the R32, R46, R40M, and R42 have been in either slightly better condition or in good condition. Hope you enjoyed!

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