Hollywood Homes of Yesteryear

Описание к видео Hollywood Homes of Yesteryear

A historic house can be a stately home, the birthplace of a famous person, or a house with an interesting history or architecture. Houses were first thought of as historic rather than just old or interesting, during the early 19th century. Government protection was first given during the late 19th century.

Historic homes are often eligible for special grant awards for preservation. What makes a historic home significant is often its architecture or its significance to the culture or history of an area. Historic homes may still be inhabited, and should not be confused with historic house museums. Unfortunately, most of the homes you see in this film suffered the fate of the wrecking ball at some point or renovated by their new owners so extensively that they lost their identity during the years in some cases the homes were so extensively renovated and the results were a monstrosity of architecture and design.


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