Shyhack : Hack your shyness | Takeshi NISHIDA | TEDxKobe

Описание к видео Shyhack : Hack your shyness | Takeshi NISHIDA | TEDxKobe

西田 健志:消極性をデザインや工夫で解決する
情報工学者として神戸大学で教鞭を執る一方、「消極性研究会」を立ち上げた西田健志。これまで個人の自己責任で克服することを余儀なくされてきた「コミュニケーションの苦手意識」や「日常のやる気のなさ」に対して、情報工学の視点から研究活動および社会提言を行っている。今や誰もが持つこれら課題への取り組みに、多くの人の消極的、もしくは積極的な参加を呼びかける。 As a computer science engineer, NISHIDA Takeshi works as an associate professor at Kobe University. In the meantime, he established "SIGSHY: Special Interest Group on Shyness and Hesitation around You". Up to this day, the reluctant feeling towards communication, and unwillingness to do something in our daily lives, was our responsibility to overcome. However, he introduced research activities and proposals to these topics from the aspect of computer science. He encourages a lot of people both passively and of course assertively to focus and work on these issues that we people all have at present. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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