08. How can I use ResearchGate to find research? [English version]

Описание к видео 08. How can I use ResearchGate to find research? [English version]

The series
This series of 8 (+1) videos provides an overview of ResearchGate, and how it can be used by researchers, particularly those in Japan, to build an international research profile.

   • 国際的な知名度を構築するためのResearchGateの活用  

This video
In this 8th and final video, I look at what you can do to access research from a wide range of contexts that you may not have been able to access elsewhere.

This video is part of the study, "A study of the use of Academic Social Networks by researchers in Japan," supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, No. 19K14262

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s)’ organization, JSPS or MEXT.

The information provided in this video is general information for researchers and is not an endorsement of ResearchGate. The researcher has no affiliation with ResearchGate other than as a user.


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