New HSK3.0 Level 2 Grammar Part 5 | 2021新HSK3.0 HSK2级 语法句型 | HSK Grammar Self Quiz & Sample Sentence

Описание к видео New HSK3.0 Level 2 Grammar Part 5 | 2021新HSK3.0 HSK2级 语法句型 | HSK Grammar Self Quiz & Sample Sentence

#newHSK2grammar #新hsk2级语法 #newhsklevel2sentence

The grammar points in this video are based on New HSK 3.0 Standard of Level 2. You can take a look and listen to the grammar point first, and then try to translate the English sentence by yourself. After 3 seconds, the correct sample sentence would be shown and read to you.
Hope this video could help you in understanding and applying the grammar patterns in your Chinese and HSK learning.


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